Tuesday 1 February 2011

What can we expect after Mubarak fail ?

"The Devil we know" - paraphrasing the article written by Ross Douthat published in The New York Times on 30th of January 2011.

In the first paragraphe of his article Ross Douthat write this schocking sentence : "As the world ponders the fate of Egypt after Hosni Mubarak, Americans should ponder this : It's quiet possible that if Mubarak had not ruled Egypt as a dictator for the last 30 years, the World Trade Center would still be standing."

Mubarak's regime was rather considered like a partner in antiterrorism efforts. In the same time some politics analysts think that the reasons of tragedy of September 11 can be founded in the prisons of Egypt.

The United States and other european countries supported Mubarak for two reasons : the fear of another dicatorship like Khomeini in Iran and Nasser earlier in Egypt.
Today the Amercans are concerned by the evolution of egyptian situation becaus it can stumble in anti-American direction.

They want to trust its foreign policy systems which support democracy and stability, they promote theories about it but history is not always predictable. The theories often fail.